Why Untreated Varicose Veins Are Dangerous?

Wondering why varicose veins are dangerous to health? Well, the varicose vein is a disease that takes place in the lower limb part of the body. The disease is very common and takes place because of a lot of factors. However, it must betake very seriously because as time passes the veins become more painful and may give rise to some major complications. 

Below mentioned are some of the complications provided by the doctors in a vein clinic in Queens.
  1. Ulcers: Ulcers are very painful. They may take place on the skin near varicose veins. One of the most common regions for ulcers because of varicose veins is near the ankles. Long term fluid deposition in the tissues can cause ulcers. Wondering why fluid deposition occurs? It is due to the increase in the blood pressure within the veins that are affected. Furthermore, ulcer formation begins with the look of a discolored spot. In case you examine such spots, a well-experienced doctor in a vein clinic in Queens must be consulted as soon as possible. Delaying the consultation with the doctor will delay the cure thus making the condition worse.

  1. Blood clots: The enlargement of the veins is the cause of varicose veins, and hence swelling is natural for the veins that are affected near the surface of the skin. But there are times when the veins within the legs become enlarged. This causes the affected area region to swell. Normally, the leg swells suddenly in this condition. Remember, any sudden swelling must be reported to the doctor as swelling of the leg usually indicated blood clotting.
  2. Bleeding: During the varicose veins condition, veins that are very close to the skin may burst out because of excessive enlargement or stretching. This normally leads to internal bleeding. Even though the bleeding is on a small scale, consult a vein doctor as soon as possible.  They know all methods of curing Varicose Veins and can use the advanced equipment efficiently.
Prevention: Prevention is always better than cure. Even though varicose veins can be completed prevented, various steps can be taken to lessen the risk of being affected by varicose veins. Varicose Veins occur due to the accumulation of blood in a vein. Hence, improving the blood circulation and muscle tone lessens the risk of being affected by Varicose Veins disease. This will also cure the discomfort caused due to Varicose Veins.

The prevention of varicose veins includes: Exercising Controlling weight increase Diet control. Following a high-fiber and low-salt diet plan would help. Elevating legs at regular intervals. Changing your sitting or standing position regularly Avoiding high heels and tight clothing


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